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Caught in a FAB Romance (@TheLoveJunkee)

Introvert, Worrier, Owner of the blog "Caught in a FAB Romance", and resident Romance Guru on Parajunkee's View. I've been blogging about books for four years - if it's got romance in it, I'll read it! You can also find me on twitter, tweeting about books, my family, and sometimes, The Saints: @TheLoveJunkee Find me on Instagram:Instagram

The Girl's Guide to (Man) Hunting (Bluebonnet, #1)

The Girl's Guide to (Man) Hunting (Bluebonnet, #1) - Jessica Clare The story was just a bit too far-fetched for me. Between Dane leaving his (adult) students for sex in the woods and Miranda instigating it - after what happened to her 9 years ago I didn't buy it. The scene at the end was one of the cutest I've read tho...