Introvert, Worrier, Owner of the blog "Caught in a FAB Romance", and resident Romance Guru on Parajunkee's View. I've been blogging about books for four years - if it's got romance in it, I'll read it! You can also find me on twitter, tweeting about books, my family, and sometimes, The Saints: @TheLoveJunkee Find me on Instagram:
PJV Quickie: There is a reason Ilona Andrews has a loyal following – this husband-and-wife team consistently writes action-packed books that hold the reader's attention until the very end. Twisting plot lines and detailed action scenes keep us on the edge of our seat right up to the last line. This is the ninth book in the series and it hasn’t gotten old; the story is still lively and exciting enough to re-read.
It’s finally happening! The event fans have been waiting for - Kate and Curran are getting married! Of course, it wouldn’t be a Kate Daniels book if there were no problems along the way…
Saiman has been kidnapped by Kate’s father, but she can’t go save him without starting a war. A Witch Oracle has predicted Curran will die in battle with her father if she marries him, but if she doesn’t go to war, their future child will die a horrible death at her father’s hands. Kate is going to need help with this one, but getting that help might kill her first.
As the wedding date draws closer and her quest seems to grow more hopeless, Kate must draw on her inner strength, her friends, and luck to triumph over her fate (and herself) in order to protect those she cares about and save her city.
This book.
We knew it was coming – the wedding, the showdown with her father, and Kate getting comfortable in her own skin. It’s almost ironic that a book about Kate binding herself to Curran in matrimony is also a book about Kate discovering herself – both where she comes from and what she wants to be. But, it’s also her love for Curran that helps her stay true to herself. Magic Binds is not only about Kate binding herself to Curran, but also about Kate binding the things she cares about to herself: Curran, her friends (and…other things), and her city.
The highlights:
Magic Binds was the perfect title for this book – from being bound to your past, to being bound to those you love, to being bound by your word, the theme of binding ran through the entire story. There were a lot of dark threads in Magic Binds, but there was a lot of humor too – Roman’s comic relief and Kate’s snark kept things from getting too heavy and provided quite a few laughs.
I will end with this – if you’re one of those people who like to skip to the last line of the book before you’re finished, don’t. Just…don’t.